Theory of science

Show 311 - 320 of 426 items



Philosophical physics
New York 1950. 472 S.
Science and philosophy
Milwaukee (Wis.) 1965. 266 S.
The philosophical frontiers of physics
Washington D.C. 1947. 210 S.
Philosophy and the physicists
New York 1958. 295 S.
Mind and matter
Cambridge (England) 1931. 325 S.
Modern physics and its philosophy
Dordrecht 1972. 298 S.
The limitations of science
New York 1949. 192 S.
Studies in the methodology and foundations of science
Dordrecht 1969. 473 S.
Foresight and understanding
London 1961. 115 S.
The phenomenon of science
New York 1977. 348 S.


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