Danto, A.C.
Show 1 - 10 of 12 items
Die philosophische Entmündigung der Kunst
München 1993. 255 S.
Aesthetics –
German –
Philosophy of art Action
The philosophical disenfranchisement of art
Irvington (N.Y.) 1988. 216 S.
Aesthetics –
English –
Philosophy of art The transfiguration of the commonplace
Cambridge (Mass.) 1981. 212 S.
Aesthetics –
English –
Miscellaneous Introductions to philosophy
What philosophy is: a guide to the elements
New York 1968. 151 S.
Introductions to philosophy –
English Epistemology
Analytical philosophy of knowledge
Cambridge (England) 1968. 269 S.
Epistemology –
English –
General Philosophy of history
General philosophy
Connections to the world. The basic concepts of philosophy
New York 1989. 281 S.
General philosophy –