Introduction to philosophy of education
Chicago (Ill.) 1948. 401 S.
The mental in education. A philosophical study
University (Ala.) 1981. 188 S.
Philosophical thinking in educational practice
Westport (Conn.) 1997. 185 S.
Philosophies of education
Danville (Ill.) 1980. 149 S.
Philosophy for the study of education
Boston (Mass.) 1969. 473 S.
A philosophy of education
New York 1962. 362 S.
The human person in a philosophy of education
New York 1966. 148 S.
Philosophical issues in adult education
Springfield (Ill.) 1962. 99 S.
Philosophy of education
New York 1951. 500 S.
Source book in the philosophy of education
New York 1948. 535 S.